Test & Tag

Are you required to comply with regulations regarding portable appliance testing?

Under Health & Safety and Electrical Regulations, every employer must provide an electrically safe workplace e.g. schools, businesses, offices, factories, workshops, hotels, hospitals, building sites, etc.

In the event of an accident you need to be able to show Worksafe that you have taken all practicable steps to ensure all electrical items are safe. Any piece of equipment which is powered by electrical energy and that can be plugged into a wall socket must be tested and carry a current test tag. If you do not have a record of portable appliance testing having been performed on the electrical items within your premises, then you risk prosecution. Standards New Zealand has issued AS/NZS 3760:2010 which details the types of tests required and their frequency.

At Brien Electrical we can provide the testing and tagging of your appliances to meet with Worksafe requirements and the Standard.
We can remove the risk to you as well as assist in keeping your workplace safe.

We also offer Electric Blanket safety testing at our Paraparaumu Office – bring them down at any time for your peace of mind for the Winter season.

On-site testing
Testing at our Paraparaumu or Wellington Offices
Businesses & Job Sites
Testing for University Halls of Residence

Contact us today!

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